'Hull Road' Withernwick c 1905
(See if you can guess where the photo is of before looking at the text below)


Two wonderfully evocative photos of the crossroads at Beverley Road, Hatfield Road and West Lambwath Road looking towrds the centre of the village.
It may well have called Hull Road back in 1905.
The top photo is Winter and shows the distant details better. The lower photo is clearly summer.
Willow Farm on the left (as we look at the photo) and Elm Tree House still exist but are now hidden by trees.
The grander house with the chimneys in the distance is the Old Vicarage.
There are nice details on both photos, such as the two carriages on the grass verge in the top photo and the boys amd their bicycle in the lower one.
Click here to see the same view in 2016 (it will open in a new window, so close it when finished)

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