Withernwick Parish Council and Withernwick Community Association

It is hoped that you will all take an interest in the content of this page and that you feel that it introduces a bit of democacy to the village.
So read the documents from both organisations
and if you feel the need to reply then please do so either to the respective organisation or to me and I will pass it on.
But do remember that by putting both organisations on one page I have not intended to imply they are connected, they are distinct and it is up to you which you feel it is most appropriate to contact.
Return to Homepage

Also you may wish to contact your MP or Councillor

For Graham Stuart MP Visit his website Click here

 Mid Holderness Councillors Click here (search for Mid Holderness)

The Windfarm Fund, How to apply etc
Village representatives - Mike Soper and John Mann
Click here

 Minutes etc from March 2020 until Autumn 2021 will  be missing due to the Covid outbreak


  Withernwick Parish Council


  Stephen Croft - Chair
   Carol Wilkie
   Nikki Harvey
   Matthew Grove
   John Sherman 
   Kathy Brown
   Sue Robinson
   Ton Copeland
   S Marshall

   Clerk: Nicki Salvidge (01964) 533148
   Contact:  nsalvidge22@btinternet.com
   Website - https://withernwickparishcouncil.wordpress.com/ for minutes etc
   Meetings are on the 4th  Wednesday of each month, 
   in St Alban's Church at 7pm                        
   Parishoners are permitted to attend the first 15 minute of the meeting 
   to ask any village related questions they may have.
   After the 15 minutes, only members of the council are allowed to speak.


  2012  2011
  Minutes - AGM 2012
  Minutes - May 2102
  Minutes - April 2012  
  Minutes - Mar 2012

  Minutes - Feb 2012
  Minutes - Jan 2012
 Minutes - Nov 2011
 Minutes - Oct 2011
 Minutes - Sept 2011
 Minutes - Aug 2011   
 Minutes - July 2011
 Minutes - Apr 2011
 Minutes - Mar 2011
 Minutes - Feb 2011
 Minutes - Jan 2011
  2010   2009
  Minutes - Nov 2010 
  Minutes - Mar 2010
  Minutes - Jan 2010
  Minutes - Dec 2009
  Minutes - Nov 2009
  Minutes - Sept 2009
  Minutes - May 2009    


   Withernwick Community Association


   Nikki harvey - Chairperson
   Nikki Harvey - Treasurer
   Carol Wilkie - Vice Chair
   Paul Boyle - Secretary
   Committee   Margaret Mann, , 
                        Dawn Dickenson, 
                        Julianne Ashton,
                        Geoff Wilkinson
                        Eliza Whitaker
                        Linda Graham

   Contact: mike_soper@yahoo.com
                  Or phone Mike on
07801 033010
                  Or phone Paul on 01964 527420
   Everyone is welcome to meetings.
   Meetings will be on the last Tuesday of each month unless
   otherwise stated.

  2023   2024
  Minutes - January
  Minutes - February
  Minutes - March
  Minutes - April  
  Minutes - June
  Minutes - July
  Minutes - August  
  Minutes - September
  Minutes - October
  Minutes - November
  Minutes - February
  Minutes - March (13th)
  Minutes - April (16th)
  Minutes - April (24th)
  Minutes - May (1st)
  Minutes - May (8th)
  Minutes - May (28th)
  Minutes - June
  2021    2022
  Minutes - Oct 1
  Minutes - Oct 2
  Minutes - Nov 
  Minutes -  Nov 2


Very few dues to Covid lockdown

  Minutes - Jan
  Minutes - March
  Minutes - April (13th and 20th)
  Minutes - May (11th)
  Minutes - May (18th)
  Minutes - July (15th)
  Minutes - July (27th)
  Minutes - August
  Minutes - September
  Minutes - October
  Minutes - November
  2019 2020
  Minutes - Feb
  Minutes - April
  Minutes - May
  Minutes - June
  Minutes - July
  Minutes - Sept
  Minutes - Oct
  Minutes - Nov

  Minutes - Jan
  Minutes - Mar


Very few due to Covid Lockdown

  2017   2018
  Minutes - Jan
  Minutes - Feb
  Minutes - March
  Minutes May 2nd
  Minutes May 31st
  Minutes June  
  Minutes July-August
  Minutes - Oct 2017   
  Minutes - Nov 2017
  Minutes - Dec 2017
  Minutes - Jan
  Minutes - Mar
  Minutes  - April
  Minutes - May (01)
  Minutes - May (22)
  Minutes - June 
  Minutes - July
  Minutes - Aug
  Minutes - Sept
  Minutes - Nov


  2015    2016
  Minutes - Jan
  Minutes - Feb
  Minutes - Mar
  Minutes - Apr
  Minutes - May
  Minutes - June
  Minutes - July
  Minutes - Aug
  Minutes - Sept
  Minutes - Oct
  Minutes - Nov
  Minutes - Jan
  Minutes - Feb
  Minutes - April
  Minutes - May
  Minutes - June 
  Minutes - July
  Minutes - Sept
  Minutes - Nov
  2014    2013
  Minutes - Jan
  Minutes - Feb

  Minutes - Mar
  Minutes - Apr
  Minutes - July
  Minutes - Aug
  Minutes - Sept
  Minutes - Oct


   Minutes - Jan
   Minutes - Feb
   Minutes - Apr
   Minutes - Aug
   Minutes - Sept
   Minutes - Oct
   Minutes - Nov
  2012    2011
  Minutes - Jan
  Minutes - Apr
  Minutes - Sept
  Minutes - Oct
  Minutes - Jan
  Minutes - Mar
  Minutes - Apr 
  Minutes - July
  Minutes - Sept
   2010   2009
   Minutes - Nov
   Minutes - Oct
   Minutes - Sept
   Minutes - July
   Minutes - June
   Minutes - Mar
   Minutes - Feb
   Minutes - Jan
  Minutes - Nov
  Minutes - Oct  
  Minutes - Sep