Snow - November / December 2010

We usually have some snow over the winter but rarely so much in November - so much for global warming!
The photos below show the beginning, subsequently much more snow has fallen.
As you can also see a great effort has been made to clear the roads.
(Thanks to John Witty, Elaine Grove and Paul Boyle for the photos, if anyone else has any good photos, please send them in)

A fine view across the fields towards the village from Straits Lane


Busy clearing West Lambwath Road


A disappearing fountain - East Lambwath Road

Millie having a great time

But I sometimes wish I was a weimeramer

Jake (the weimeramer) acting much more cool (pun intended)

West Lambwath Road

Main Street / Aldbrough Road

Main Street

Looking across to Prospect Barn

St Alban's Close

Mill Lane

Snow clearing - Mill Lane

Snow clearing - Tanton Terrace

Snow clearing - West Lambwath Road

Snow clearing - Church Lane

Snow clearing - St Alban's Close

 Monk's Walk 

Another view from Straits Lane

Some beautiful frost patterns - it isn't always horrible!

West Lamwath Road - looking south

West Lambwath Road - looking north

The Falcon and some fantastic icicles

Amy Sherman in it up to her neck

Above - Straits Lane - Looking South

                                                                                     Right - The telephone box

Below - St Alban's



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