Withernwick used as a surname

The above gravestone is in Mount Carmel Cemetery, Caradoc Township, Middlesex County, Ontario, Canada. It is the memeorial to a William Withernwick who died on 12th March 1877 aged 69. The bottom line reads "immigrated from Yorkshire". It seems that he was born in Lund, East Riding in 1807.

Taken from Ancestry.com - New York Port Records

The above document shows that William and his wife Elizabeth emmigrated to North America in 1854, they presumely then made their way to Ontario, Canada where William died in 1877. Elizabeth was born in Elleker in 1809 and lived until 1890. Although these people were not born in Withernwick or ever lived there it is interesting in the use of the name Withernwick used as a surname. Withernwick is a totally unique name, there is only one Withernwick in the world, there isn't a Withernwick, Montana or Withernwick, New South Wales. So we can assume that the origin of the surname Withernwick is from our village.
Click here to see census returns from 1841-1891 for people with the surname Withernwick, the vast majority lived in Hull. We can therefore guess that at some time in the past, some people living in Withernwick moved out of the village, probably to Hull and gained the surname Withernwick, as a characteristic that identified them. The obvious implication of this is that no one with the surname Withernwick ever lived in the village.
It is then fascinating that one of the descendants of one such family ended up buried in a cemetery in Canada, indeed this is how this story started as we were contaced by a Ken Stephenson, who kindly sent the above photo and document.
Indeed if you widen the scope to include variants of Withernwick, the surname Witherwick is also common and is probably also derived from Withernwick. 
If anyone knows any more about the use of Withernwick as a surname then please let us know.

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