The Croft Family of Withernwick and Essex, Ontario, Canada
Click here to read more about the family history written by Doug Londry a Canadian desecendant of the Crofts of Withernwick.
We do have records of earlier members of the Croft family.
Click here and click here to see wills of two Robert Crofts in the 18th century.
These two are descendants of the people below, to see a family tree - click here.
Also click here to see an list of trades in the village in 1841 which shows Elizabeth farming at Westlands Farm,
Elizabeth is Robert's (in the photo below) grandmother.
Click here to see census details of the Croft family from 1841 to 1881.

Above is a photo of Robert and Ann Croft (probably taken in Canada c 1880).
Robert was born in Withernwick in 1827, Ann was born in Arnold in 1837.
The family probably owned Westlands Farm on the Whitedale road.
In 1871 they are however recorded as living in Tanton Terrace.
In 1871 Robert and Ann emigrated to Canada, all 5 of their of their Withernwick children were with them them.
After arriving in Canada they did have 6 more children. Two of Robert's brothers, Bethel and John also travelled to Canada in 1871.
As we've shown before people were surprisingly adventurous in those days, with no internet, they would
probably have had no idea where they were going or what they were going to do.
Click here to see the passenger list for the SS Prussian in 1871 showing the Croft family.
Robert died in 1914 in Essex, Ontario aged 87, Ann died in 1919 aged 82.
Above if a photo of Mary Croft, born in Witherwick in 1837, sister of Robert.
By 1861 John William Croft (father of Robert and Mary), his wife France and several of their children had moved to Hornsea.
This photo is most likely taken in Hornsea c 1880.

This photo is of the children of Robert and Ann probably c 1890.
The lady on the right is probably Mary Jane otherwise it is difficult to identify who is who.

As the photo explains this is a photo of Robert and Ann's Golden Wedding.
The house in the background is very North American, both clearly had long, good and adventurous lives.
Mary Jane, Fanny (Frances), Bob (Robert) and Jack (John) were also Withernwick people.
The other children were all born in Canada.

Above is a photo of their gravetone in Essex (including Withernwick recorded as Robert's birthplace).
There are apparently still some Crofts in Essex Ontario, do they know they all originate from Withernwick!
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