Teddy the bearded collie with Angle Pedder

Jack and Molly very keen for their walk! (Norman and Carol

Harvey aged 16 (and a very nice hyacynth) - Deborah Sutcliffe
To the left is O'Malley the cat and above is Oliver the dog
(looking seasonal).
Lucy Wrightson |

Katie, all the way from Ohio via Kansas - a much travelled cat,
aged about 15 (Paul Boyle and Karen Brown)
Sadly died in Summer 2018 aged about 20.

Great friends - Polly the goat and Cody the horse (Margaret

Sauve Bertie preparing for a garden party - June 2014 (Sue and Jeff

Mittens - Kate Park (Aged 13)

Three Americans - Karen Brown (Ohio), Slinky (Texas, Pat
and Brian Pye) and Dory (Kansas, Paul Boyle and Karen Brown) -
Aug 2013

Jake - Amy Sherman (aged 6 months - June 2011)

The Dog - Hubert Harsley (1911)
Click here and Click
here to see full photos. |

Tara, Ali, Nellie, Hector and Silas - Nicola Harvey |

Hector and Silas - Nicola Harvey |


Dora, deceased 29th Mar 2010 aged 20 years and
Tinker, deceased 5th Nov 2009 aged 16 years - Paul Boyle
Dora's Memoirs |
Slinky, Aged 8 - Pat and Brian Pye |


Scruffy, Aged 4 - Carl and Jacinta Murray
Click here for Scuffy's Blog |
Ralph, Aged 4 and Mabel, Aged 2 - Robert and
Julia Beevers
here for Julia's website |


Esta, Aged 3 years - Robert and Julia Beevers
here for Julia's website |
Rosie, Aged 3 years - Robert and Julia Beevers |


Cynthia, Aged 3 years - Robert and Julia
Beevers |
Peggy, Aged 7 - Kath Garnham |


Nipper - Kath Garnham |
Sally, Aged 5 years - Joyce and Charles Sharp |


Suzie, when aged 9 weeks - Joyce and Charles
(Now 1 year) |
Neo - Charlie Young |


Oscar, Indy and Purdy (deceased - 5th Feb 2010) aged
15 - Julianne and
Mike Ashton |
Jarvis - Kate, Richard, Tom, Edward and Verity Park-Poulson |


Baldrick the "oven ready" battery hen
- April 2008
rescued by Mike Soper and Dawn Dickinson |
Baldrick the "free range" hen with
feathers - June 2008 |

"Falcon" Sid (in The Falcon) - Sarah
and Mike Phillips
Mork, aged 4 - Julia and Chris Moulds
Mork and Dumbo, aged 10 - Julia and Chris Moulds
Mork and Dumbo, aged 10 - Julia and Chris Moulds
Fairy - with Brian outside The Falcon
Barney the parrot - Andrea

Lucy the lamb with Pooch the dog - Andrea |
Pickles the Russian Racing Hamster - Janette and
Mike Bolder


Wilbur, Deceased - Frank and Ann |
Bertie - Jeff and Sue Robinson


Chesny (with Slinky) - Pat and John Beddard |
Muffit - Bev Rutherford |

Sid - Katie, Wendy and Gregg Simpson |
Maddy - Siobahn, John, Michelle and Natalie
William - Siobahn, John, Michelle and Natalie
Daisy, Aged 8, Ellie, Aged 5 and Jessie, Aged 13
Nicola and Ian Brown
Nick - Nicola and Ian Brown
Precious - Nicola and Ian Brown
Floyd, Aged 12 - Nicola and Ian Brown |
Rosie (Floyd's sister), Aged 12 - Nicola and Ian Brown |
Rosie - John and Mid Moulds
Milo - John Sherman

Esta's puppies - June 2010 - Julia and Robert Beevers
Beep and Amber -Chris and Julia Wrightson
Betsy and Jenny - Alan and Margaret Fawcett |
Spiky (aged 18) - Alan and Margaret Fawcett |
Daisy - Alan and Margaret Fawcett |
Tinkerbell - Alan and Margaret Fawcett |

Lara - Elaine and Matthew Grove

Spot - Elaine and Matthew Grove

Tigger - the office cat - Elaine and Matthew Grove

Peggy (lying down) and Nipper - Kath Garnham