Tales of Withernwick
Now organised into a 'gallery' of articles in three catagories
(1) General Memories and Recollections (2) Places and Events and (3) Families and People.
If you have an interesting Tale to tell please let me know via the
Contact Us page.
Remember the tales can even be comparatively recent - history does happen very quickly nowadays.
General Memories and
Some recent memories of Withernwick
by Margaret Fawcett.

Memories of an Evacuee in 1944 by Chris Tomlinson

Recollections of a lifetime in Withernwick
by John Witty
Memories of a lifetime in Withernwick
by Doreen Dunn

Memories and Recollections
by Mid Moulds

Recollections of a lifetime in Withernwick
by John Witty

Memories of the Village
by Caroline Smith

Old Withernwick Newsletters 2000 to 2003
History happens quickly

The Winter of 1947
by Terry Ireland

Memories of Withernwick
by Brenda Smith

Memories of Henry Robinson
b 1850 - long but well worth a read

Memories of Withernwick
by Kathy Bemrose

A Visit to Witherernwick by
Moira Ryan & Jonathan Simons

Memories of James Eric Beeton
1915 to 1926

Memories of Withernwick
by Liz Ramus (Stamford)

Memories of Arthur Herbert Carr
by Alice Gingell

Places and Events |
Cricket in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by Paul Boyle

Shoeing horses and hooping cartwheels
by Terry Ireland

The Lambwath Stream
by Terry Ireland

Village Tennis
by Terry Ireland

Clay Pigeon Shoot
by John Witty

The Closure of Withernwick School
by Avice Brown

Shops in Withernwick
by Terry Ireland

Withernwick School in the 1950's
by Terry Ireland

White Cottage, Cowden Lane
by Avice Brown

Farming in the 1950's
by Terry Ireland

Mischief and Bonfire Night
by Terry Ireland

The Falcon c 1959
by Terry Ireland

The street names of Withernwick
by Paul Boyle

Working Withernwick 1950-1960
by Terry Ireland

Tennis, Table Tennis and Rise Hall
by Terry Ireland

Withernwick School Dinners in the
1970's & 1990's by Shirley Smith

Memories of Withernwick School
in the 1960's by Wendy Simpson

Working on Withernwick Hall Farm
in the 1960's by John Witty

Christmas in Withernwick in 1944
by Chris Tomlinson

Poverty in Withernwick in the 19th and early 20th century by
Paul Boyle

Emigration from Withernwick
in the 19th and 20th Centuries

People and Families |
The Burrell, Day and Nightingale
families by Anne Peck

Tom Ireland
by Terry Ireland

The Tanton Family
by Nick Tanton

The Warcup / Warkup Family
by Kevin Warcup

The Harsley Family
by Rosemarie O'Connor

The Hardbattle Family
by members of the Hardbattle family

John Day
18th Century Poet
Barrington Webster and the
Blacksmiths of Withernwick

William Smith Denton
Railway Pioneer

as a Surname

The Denton Family
Surgeons of Withernwick

The Case of Hannah Lee
found guilty of assault in 1832

The Holt family in the
early 19th century by Alison Gilewski
Irene Beeton
'Australian' Botonist

Walter Radford Welch
Vicar of St Alban's 1891-1903

The Lumley Family of Withernwick
and America.

Paul Boyle's time in Kuwait
2009 - 2013

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