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The Geography of the Holderness

What we want here are articles on the geography and geology of the Withernwick and Holderness area. 
If you have any such information send it to us via the contact us page.

Here is a map showing the topography of Holderness, as you can see Withernwick is on land slightly higher than the land around the River Hull. Most of Withenwick is 10 to 15 m above sea level, the land around the River Hull goes down to sea-level. You can clearly see the (relatively) much higher land that forms the Wolds, you can tell this as you drive out of Beverley, across The Westwood and into Walkington. Indeed before the last Ice Age, the white cliffs of Flamborough Head would have continued round the line marked by the Eastern edge of the high ground.

The geography and Geology of Withernwick is essentially the same as that of Holderness. Holderness is one of the newest bits of Britain, it only appeared at the end of the last Ice Age about 20000 years ago, a few seconds in geological time. Also due to the soft and fragile nature of the Holderness it will also be one of the first bits to disappear. At present estimates, Withernwick will become Withernwick-on -Sea in somewhere between 1000 and 2000 years time. Not that that will worry any of us, but just think - The Falcon could become the Sea View Hotel and Withernwick might gain a Big Wheel and an amusement arcade!
But, of course, the fun and excitement would only be short lived. In a further 200 years or so Withernwick would have finally disappeared into the sea.

If you want to know more about the geography and geology of Withernwick and Holderness, here are a few websites that might be of interest.

Just to start us off here is a link to a website with lots of photos of the Holderness coast
Internet Geography

Geology of Holderness

Coastal Erosion
Click on points on the coast line and an aerial picture of that bit of coast will appear,


Very detailed description of the geology of Holderness.

Some Videos of the Holderness Coastline
(1)  (2)